Pope Francis challenged young Catholics to “transform an economy that kills into an economy of life” at a three day “Economy of Francesco” meeting in Assisi Sept. 22-24.

All histories are contested. If they weren’t, there would be no reason to study history. For an historian running a Catholic university in Canada right now, this nation’s history of colonialism and residential schools has created a special responsibility — not to the past but to our future understanding of ourselves.

The historic emergence of a Catholic majority in Northern Ireland will be a significant, though not the decisive, factor in achieving a reunited country, says a Belfast MP visiting Canada.

Trying to explain the effect of Denyse Thomasos’ immense, complex, abstract paintings, Fr. Dan Donovan reaches for St. Thomas Aquinas.

Deacon Steve Pitre is determined not to celebrate 50 years of the permanent diaconate in the Archdiocese of Toronto. Instead, he wants to celebrate the Church that embraced, encouraged and prayed with deacons over the past 50 years.

For Catholics who have for years heard Mary’s first words in the Gospel of Luke as the defining moment of her life, it may seem the Pope is flipping the script on the Lord’s mother.

She was known to millions as “the Queen,” as if she was the only royal matriarch in the world. But she was no ordinary monarch. She was one of the last generation of leaders in the Western world who not only publicly declared her Christian faith but lived it.

Graduating with stellar grades isn’t easy but it also doesn’t mean having your head in a book all day. Just ask some of the York Catholic District School Board’s 2022 top scholars.

St. André Bessette has been named patron saint of Ontario’s Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board (HPCDSB) in recognition of the special place he has in the hearts of those in the region.

Chad Falk and his team at the Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association (MHSAA) were hard at work during the summer preparing for a 2022-23 school year slated to be chockful of provincial competitions.